European Higher Education Fair - Asia-Link Symposium, Indonesia 2008
The European Commission (EuropeAid Co-operation Office) has contracted a consortium comprising CampusFrance, DAAD, Nuffic and British Council to organise a series of European Higher Education Fairs (EHEF) and Asia Link Symposiums (ALS) in seven Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) over the 2006-2008 period.
Within the scope of this contract, the consortium will organise, promote and implement a European Higher Education Fair, offering European higher education institutions the possibility to promote study opportunities to prospective students in Indonesia, and an Asia-Link Symposium, which will provide a regional platform for information and experience-sharing in the field of higher education cooperation between representatives from European and Asian institutions. The EHEF and the ALS Indonesia will take place in Jakarta, in October/November, 2008.
To organise, prepare and implement the EHEF and the ALS in Jakarta, Indonesia , the consortium will recruit a Local Junior Expert (LJE) for 9 months from March 2008 onwards.
The LJE will be involved during the preparatory activities until the final reporting stage of the EHEF and the ALS and will work in the EHEF project office/Project Implementation Unit (PIU) which will be located in the premises of the Nuffic-Neso Indonesia office, Menara Jamsostek, 20th floor, Jalan Gatot Subroto 38, Jakarta.
Essential qualifications:
• Extensive experience of managing similar projects in the higher education sector in Indonesia
• Good network of local contacts (Ministry of National Education, Universities, etc)
• Familiarity with higher education systems in Indonesia and in the EU
• Fluency in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) and English (written and spoken)
• Sense of initiative
• Team-spirit
• Excellent social and intercultural skills
• Minimum of undergraduate degree
Desirable qualifications:
• Experience of studying in the EU
• Knowledge of another European language, particularly German, Dutch or French, will be an advantage.
• To organise and manage EHEF and ALS activities in Jakarta as defined by the Project
Management Unit (PMU) and Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
• To keep the PMU and PIU informed of progress and of any potential
• To ensure the smooth running of the local Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and manage the input
of administrative support staff
- To launch the required tenders
• To liaise with local authorities, institutions, organisations and companies
• To ensure that EHEF web-site for Indonesia is updated with latest information
- To carry out any other duty which deemed necessary for a smooth organization and
implementation of the EHEF Indonesia and the ALS
The LJE will have to refer to the PMU and PIU that have been set up to coordinate the project implementation. The PMU is based in Europe and is responsible for managing, monitoring and evaluating the organisation, promotion and implementation of the EHEFs and the ALS. The PIU is based in the NESO office in Jakarta. Members of the PMU in Europe will be in constant contact with the PIU in Jakartamainly via email and telephone over the Internet and where necessary via videoconferencing or regular telephone. The key experts will also visit Jakarta regularly to discuss project organisation with the PIU office and Local Junior Expert.
The LJE will also have to work in close collaboration with the Delegation of the European Commission to Indonesia.
Please send your CV and motivation letter by 22 February 2008 to: recruitment@ nesoindonesia. and please write LJE as the subject of your email
More information visit:
Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008
Local Junior Expert (LJE) in NESO
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Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
Project Assistant Teacher Training
Is an international NGO contributing to the rehabilitation of the Education sector in Aceh and is looking for suitable candidate for the position: Project Assistant Teacher Training
- Candidate must be between the ages 25 -35 years old with a degree in Education or Social Science
- Initial period of 6 months with the possibility of extension for another 6 months.
The application must be sent to the address below including CV and expected salary before 25th February 2008.
Only short - listed candidates will be called for an interview
Gedung Guru / PGRI
Jl. P. Nyak Makam No. 20
Lampineung - Banda Aceh 23125
Email: eiap_aceh@yahoo. com
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
Disaster Risk Reduction Trainer
Oxfam GB Humanitarian Office in Jogjakarta is looking for a Disaster Risk
Reduction Trainer to conduct the following activities in the near future:
Facilitate emergency responses management workshop for Oxfam GB's
partners, Local Government, and Organizers
Facilitate workshop participants to increase knowledge and skill in
emergency management, humanitarian response standard, gender, etc.
Facilitate workshop participant to develop an effective strategy to
mobilize community, strengthen and or establish village emergency response
committee, and increase community sensitisation
Facilitate workshop participant to increase knowledge and skills in
mobilize village emergency committee on how to identify hazard,
vulnerability, capacity, risk, emergency need, and action plan to reduce
flood risk in emergency situation.yogya_hr@oxfam. not
later than 17 February 2008.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.
Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England No. 612172.
Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY.
Registered charity No. 202918.
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Category Vacancy in Jogjakarta
Logistic Support Officer
VSO is an international on-governmental organisation that works through volunteer professionals to fight global poverty and disadvantage.
We are looking for a Logistic & Support Officer, based in Denpasar, Bali.
As Logistic & Support Officer, you will deliver effective, efficient support to VSO programmes and volunteers for their travel, accommodation and visa needs.
· Minimum 3 years experience in handling travel and accommodation, including visa arrangements for foreign nationals
· Proven organizational, administration and time management skills
· Excellent computes skills
· Excellent written and spoken English and Indonesian
PLEASE NOTE: CVs will not be considered. All applicants are required to complete a VSO standard application form. You can request this form by sending a blank email with subject quoting the reference “Logistic & Support Officer”, to Desy.Indrawati@ Candidates without access to email may phone 0361-221717.
Deadline for returning application forms: 21st February. Phone interview: 25 February. Selection day: 29 February 2008.
To keep costs down, only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Bali
Performance Measuremtn Specialist
WEST PAPUA OFFICE – Performance Measurement Specialist vacancy
RTI International, a leading international consulting firm, is seeking a Performance Measurement Specialist (PMS) for the USAID-funded Local Governance Support Program (LGSP). The program provides customized capacity-building support for local governance stakeholders, including civil society organizations.
The PMS is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance of LGSP’s activities in West Papua. This will help improve the effectiveness of LGSP’s support to its partner regional governments. The PMS should be experienced using monitoring and evaluation tools including results frameworks.
This position is based in Sorong and reports to the Regional Coordinator.
Scopes of Work and qualification requirements for this position are available at our website: www.lgsp.or. id. Previous USAID or other international project experience is preferred with a minimum of 5 years experience. A competitive salary and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate. Applications will be treated confidentially and selection will be competitive. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Please forward detailed CV and contact information by February 17, 2008 to:
e-mail: recruitment@
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Category Vacancy in Papua
PCO Gender at MOWE for UNFPA 7th CP
TOR Programme Component Officer (PCO) – Gender
For UNFPA 7th Country Programme (2006-2010)
GBV Services & Policy
Duty Station: Ministry of Women Empowerment
Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat no.15 Jakarta 10110
Report to: PCM Gender (Deputy Assistant for Violence Against Women –
NPM at NPCU/Bappenas, and
NPO Gender at UNFPA
Main Duty:
Under direct supervision of Program Component Manager Gender,
National Programme Manager at NPCU (National Program Coordinating
Unit) and in consultation with NPO Gender at UNFPA; assist the
coordinating unit at 6 provinces and 21 districts and central
implementing partners, PCO will assume the leadership role in the
management of the programme activities (including planning and
monitoring) and technical assistance in the area of Gender.
Managerial Tasks:Indonesia.
7. A strong capability to communicate clearly and concisely in
both oral and written English.
8. A minimum of 5 years working experience is required.
9. Ability to work under minimal supervision.
10. Able to work in a team.
Contract system – to MOWE, renewed per annually based on performance
Please email CV and application letter to pcm_mowe@yahoo. com
before 17th February 2008.
We need you to be on board early March 2008 if possible.
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Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Right To Play is an athlete-driven, humanitarian non-governmental organization, delivering programs of structured play to children living in situations of disadvantage in 23 countries around the world. RTP-Indonesia is partnering with UNICEF and Dinas Sosial to implement programs that enhance holistic child development, build community capacity and raise awareness of child rights issues.
Responsible to: PROJECT MANAGER
Responsible for: building the capacity of community volunteers to deliver structured play activities in 8 UNICEF Child Centres in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar and 6 UNICEF Child Centres in Pidie, Aceh Utara and Aceh Tamiang, as well as the surrounding community (such as pantis and schools).
Deadline for applications: February 16, 2008
Please send your cover letter and CV to rtpindonesia2@
For further information about Right To Play, visit www.righttoplay. com
FEMALE CANDIDATES are especially encouraged to apply.
National Project Coordinators (NPCs) conduct training workshops to build the capacity of local community volunteers, who in turn conduct structured play activities for children in their communities. These community volunteers include: 1) PSM; 2) TK teachers; 3) panti caregivers; and 4) sports coaches. The main goal of NPCs is to ensure the sustainable delivery of Right To Play programs, leading to strong community ownership. NPCs will work as part of a small team of national and international staff to meet project objectives.
*Plan and deliver workshops that train community leaders (e.g., PSM, TK teachers, panti caregivers, other teachers and sports coaches, Komite Anak / Karang Taruna, and LPA members) to deliver Right To Play program resources to children, most notably Red Ball Child Play (RBCP) and Early Child Play (ECP)
*Provide ongoing assessment and support to trained community volunteers, especially with regard to sustainability
*Conduct community outreach activities that target certain vulnerable groups of children (e.g., children with disabilities, children in pantis, female children)
*Train Child Centre staff and sub-district level social workers in the design of an effective child registration system, community mapping, surveys of behavioural change, and monitoring of local-level program implementation
*Create a detailed Community Map that identifies potential project beneficiaries and key partners
*Organize RBCP “Play Days” at UNICEF Child Centres, in conjunction with Dinas Sosial child re-registration drive
*Assist in the data collection and analysis of baseline assessment and outcomes evaluation that measures behavioural change in participating children
*Develop and adapt the Right To Play program resources to highlight and promote child protection issues in keeping with UNICEF and Dinas Sosial objectives
*Produce narrative and financial reports for both internal and external use
*Accurate day to day book keeping and financial accountability
*Effectively document and record all relevant program activities
*Contribute towards setting and achieving monthly objectives
*Translation of program resources
*Represent Right To Play in a confident and professional manner to potential project partners
*Identify and recruit Community Volunteers interested in implementing Right To Play program resources
*University degree or other relevant experience
*1 year NGO field experience
*Demonstrated understanding of program management cycle
*Experience in adult education and/or facilitating training workshops
*Proven ability to develop and strengthen relationships with diverse stakeholders
*Experience working with children and youth
*Effective report writing, both narrative and financial
*Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, basic proficiency in English, Acehnese desirable
*Experience working and living in Aceh
*Competent in Windows operating system, proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
*First Aid certification a bonus
*Enthusiastic and self-motivated
*Excellent communication skills
*Able to interact sensitively and diplomatically with people from different backgrounds
*Committed team member with ability to lead and to work with others
*Fast and willing learner
*Confident public speaker amongst peers
*Remains calm and focused under pressure
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Category Vacancy in Aceh
Vacancies at Partnership for Governance Reform
Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia is a multi-stakeholder association dedicated to support Indonesian initiatives aimed at supporting governance reform in Indonesia . The Partnership' s Executive Office works with government agencies and institutions as well as community based and non-government institutions to advance the national reform agenda.
There is an emerging global consensus that governance practices are hard to change by enforcing conditionality from outside. National ownership is the key to change.
Partnership brings together the Indonesian Government, Legislature, Judiciary, Civil Society, and the Corporate Sector with the support of the International Community in initiating a long-term process to improve governance in Indonesia in a durable way. It expresses Indonesian ownership.
Currently we have immediate vacancies for high caliber Indonesians with high integrity to fill the following positions:
1. Finance Assistant (1 post)
2. Chief of Cluster – Security & Justice Governance (1 post)
Please visit our website for more detail on each position :
http://www.kemitraa misc/work- with-us
Human Resources Clerk
IOM is looking for a Human Resources Clerk according to the terms of reference below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to hrbandaaceh@ not later than 20 February 2008 indicating the reference code below and job title. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Reference Code : SVN/IDI/2008/ 017
Position Title : Human Resources Clerk
Duty Station : Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
Classification : Employee, Grade 2
Estimated Starting Date : As soon as possible
General functions:
Under the direct supervision of the Human Resources Assistant in Banda Aceh (BA) and the overall supervision of the Resources Management Officer in BA, the incumbent will assist in all personnel tasks. In particular, he/she will:
Coordinate time sheets, leave requests, contracts with respective units and ensure that updated copies are recorded prior to filing;
Responsible in sending contracts to the field either by scanned copy of mail;
Ensure that signed copies of the contracts are returned to the BA office and are filed in the staff’s respective personnel files;
Responsible in preparation of ID card, certificate of employment, certificate of service, etc.
Responsible for finalization of separation process, by ensuring that the assets of IOM have been returned and properly documented and all outstanding bills/obligations have been paid by staff member prior to separation.
Anticipate needs and prepare briefing files such as induction materials (SRRs, copies of relevant policies, etc).
Ensure that all personnel files are properly filed and updated
Perform other duties as may be assigned.
Desirable Qualifications:
Diploma in Human Resources Management and/or alternatively, a combination of relevant training and experience in human resources. At least one year work experience. Ability to use the computer (MS Word, Excel) and operate office equipment (scanner, fax machine, etc).
Good communication skills, both oral and written. Ability to work with colleagues of different culture and professional backgrounds.
Thorough knowledge of English.
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Category Vacancy in Aceh
Administrative and Finance Assistant
IOM is looking for Administrative and Finance Assistant I according to the terms of reference below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to hrbandaaceh@ not later than 19 February 2008 indicating the reference code below and job title. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Reference Code : SVN/IDI/2008/ 016
Job Title : Administrative and Finance Assistant I
Duty Station : Takengon, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
Classification : Employee, Grade 4
Estimate Starting Date : As Soon as possible
General Functions:
Under the direct supervision of the Field Coordinator and the overall supervision of the Resources Management Officer (RMO) for the Post Conflict Reintegration Programme (PCRP) in Banda Aceh the incumbent will be responsible for all administrative and finance of the said project in a designated field office. In particular he/she will:
1. Receive and check all incoming invoices, prepare the payment request form when necessary.
2. Verify invoices and documents submitted by suppliers and service providers and make sure that IOM’s rules and regulations are followed.
3. Process and release duly approved and authorized cash payments and bank transfers to all vendors, contractors and staff, ensuring that signed official invoices/receipts and other supporting documentation is attached to all payment requests.
4. Responsible for daily petty cash and handle petty cash and bank transactions.
5. Keep daily financial record for all petty cash receipts and expenditures including bank transactions.
6. Prepare accurate daily and monthly petty cash and bank reports, to be submitted to the RMO, PCRP.
7. Conduct cash and bank balancing everyday and ensure that the entire admin and financial documentation are complete.
Coordinate with the fleet manager for all vehicle requests.
Responsible for the distribution of staff attendance forms at the beginning of each month. Accomplished forms should be promptly submitted to RMO, PCRP.
Count the cash regularly (every day) and prepare accurate cash certificates.
Maintain an efficient filing system of all financial and other supporting documents.
Responsible for preparing and submitting fund request, and follow up it until the fund is transferred to ICRS bank account.
Responsible for updating ICRS office asset list and responsible for all the ICRS office assets.
Perform any other duties as may be assigned. .
Desirable Qualifications:
University degree in Accounting or alternatively, a combination of relevant training and experience. Minimum two years experience in administration and finance. A previous experience working with international agency or relevant private sector experience is an advantage.
Knowledge, skills and ability to extract, interpret, analyze and process financial data. Effective organizational skills and ability to establish priorities and plans, ability to work under pressure and cope with deadlines. Good written and spoken communications skills, good interpersonal skills, ability to work in a multi-cultural environment.
Willing to work anywhere within Aceh. Motivated to engage in peace-building activities. Spot check/audit skills and experience preferred. Proficient in MSOffice applications. Flexible and able to work under pressure within tight deadlines.
Resourceful and strong ability to cope with physical hardship and willingness to work extra hours Ability to work with minimum supervision.
Thorough knowledge of English. Other Acehnese languages are advantage.
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Category Vacancy in Aceh
Vacancy announcement ICMC - PO AENEAS
The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is a Geneva-based international humanitarian organization specializing in services to refugees, returnees, the displaced, and migrants is looking for candidates for the post of:
Title : Programme Officer – Cross Border Counter-
Trafficking Project
Classification : National Staff
Location : Makassar
Reports to : Deputy Programme Manager
Start Date : As soon as possible
ICMC has recently signed an agreement with the European Community (EC) to develop a replicable model of cross-border collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia with a view to combat trafficking and debt-bondage of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia. This project will be implemented in six Indonesian provinces along the so-called eastern trafficking route to Malaysia, namely East and West Nusa Tenggara, East Java, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi and East Kalimantan as well as six municipalities in the Malaysian state of Sabah which are the primary destinations for migrant workers from Indonesia.
The goal of the project is to build cooperation between the local governments and the civil society from both areas of origin and destination so that the scourge of human trafficking can be tackled in a coordinated manner.
Programme Officers will be required to work closely with the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment in Jakarta and local governments at provincial, regency and municipal levels. At district and municipal levels, the Programme Officers will be required to guide the local governments and civil society in generating awareness, preventive activities such as vulnerability reduction through re-schooling and income generation, and in providing services such as shelter, medical and legal counseling, and repatriation support to survivors of trafficking.
The Programme Officers will also work with government institutions and Counter Trafficking Task Forces (CTTFs) at the local level as well as partner NGOs, journalists and trade unions in the target areas to further the aims of the project.
Specific Tasks:
§ Establish and maintain relationship with partner organization (government, counter-trafficking task forces, journalists, trade unions and NGOs) in assigned provinces and target areas;
§ Provide technical assistance to partner organizations such as support to develop coordination mechanisms, strategic planning, and in the development of training modules;
§ Build capacity of service providers to survivors of trafficking through training and accompaniment;
§ Develop curriculum and train ICMC’s partner organizations;
§ Conduct field monitoring of programme activities;
§ Prepare activity and monthly reports on a regular basis;
§ Represent ICMC in meetings, workshops, organized by local authorities and other organizations involved in similar or related activities
§ Ensure that financially supported organizations meet all reporting obligations (financial and narrative)
The ideal candidate should possess:
· University degree in Social Work, Economics, Political Science or Law;
· One or more of the following specializations: participatory research and micro-level planning, livelihood regeneration, shelter management, legal advocacy, communication;
· At least three years’ working experience in an INGO / NGO / government department on social (human trafficking, violence against women, child labour etc.) / economic (migration for work, income generation, micro-credit etc.) issues;
· Skills to be able to design and deliver training programmes to Government and NGO staff;
· Sensitivity and ability to work collaboratively in a multi-cultural team;
· Adaptability and ability to deal with lack of clarity and ambiguity; and
· Previous experience of managing and monitoring sub-grants.
The position requires travel to districts and sub-districts of different provinces of Indonesia up to 20 days in a month. For highly suitable candidates, weakness in speaking or writing English will not be a limiting factor.
Submit C.V and photo through email to:
Application Deadline: February 13, 2008.
Please include details of current post and remuneration and details of referees.
Given the high number of applicants, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Telephone call will not be entertained.
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Category Vacancy in Sulawesi
CALGAP Vacant Position: Grand Accountant
Title : Grants Accountant
Period : February 2008 – December 2008
Location : Banda Aceh
Purpose of Assignment
To provide technical assistance and support to Program in the financial administration of the implementation of two funding mechanisms: the Local Government Procurement Facility (LGPF) and the Community Support Facility (CSF)
The Canada/Aceh Local Government Assistance Program is an initiative of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and currently extending until March 31 2009.
CALGAP’s goal is to support national post-tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Aceh and to create an enabling environment for peace building by increasing local government capacities and through the promotion of good intergovernmental relations. CALGAP’s purpose is to improve local governance (operations management, service delivery and strengthened participatory mechanisms) in three local governments - the City of Banda Aceh and the Districts of Pidie and Aceh Jaya - that were affected by the tsunami in Aceh through technical assistance provided by Canadian municipal practitioners
LGPF is a 2 million dollar Canadian funding mechanism under CALGAP that aim at supporting post-tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Aceh by increasing local government capacities and trough the promotion of good intergovernmental relations. LGPF is funded jointly by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Canadian municipalities.
CSF is a half-million dollar Canadian funding mechanism under CALGAP and targeting the community level in the municipality of Banda Aceh and the districts of Pidie and Aceh Jaya. The CSF is designed to enhance linkages between community groups and local government as well as to assist local community groups in improving the quality of live in their constituencies.
Grants Accountant will responsible to ensure the transparent and accountable utilization of financial resources provided by the Program, conformity of sub-grantee’s reporting tools with CALGAP‘s requirements and stringent compliance with CIDA and FCM administration requirements.
Scope of Works
§ Conduct a preliminary review of grant applicants financial and administrative system and, if and when required, make recommendation to enhance their transparency and accountability.
§ Conduct a compliance review of payment and procurement process based on established rules and frameworks before disbursement is made to sub-grantees.
§ Ensuring required documents and approvals are completed before disbursements are made to sub-grantees.
§ Review existing procedures and make recommendation for relevant changes.
§ Providing guidance to sub-grantees on financial reporting requirements, ensures that their financial reports and supporting documents are ready to be audited and maintain communication with sub-grantee’s finance and administration focal person.
§ Coordinates with CALGAP’s CSF persons and sub-grantee’s finance and administration focal person to ensure the documents of financial transaction are well maintained and submitted in timely manner.
§ Assist sub-grantees to establish their bookkeeping, internal control, budgeting and procurement system
§ Assists sub-grantees in compiling and preparing their financial reports before submitted to the Program.
§ Maintain and update the grants disbursement tracking tool.
§ Compiling reports on the financial status of LGPF and CSF implementation as requested by the Program
§ Perform related duties as required.
§ Post secondary education in accounting, finance or equivalent.
§ Minimum 2 year experience in the same field or working in a finance-community-related works.
§ Familiarity with internal controls procedures, bookkeeping, procurement and budgeting.
§ Able to work independently
§ Good command of English and Bahasa Indonesia.
§ Very good command of MS-Office
Please send your resume with a covering letter containing briefly explanation how your experience is relevant to this position, by email to and/or copy to Please do not attach any other document outside of resume and covering letter.
Applications must be received by FCM CALGAP no later than 5:00 p.m on Wednesday 13, 2008.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview
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Category Vacancy in Aceh