UNICEF Indonesia is seeking highly qualified Indonesian nationals to fill the following positions: BA-1, Project Officer Child Protection
Duty Station – Nias, North Sumatra
Temporary Fixed-Term, NO-B Level
Under the direct supervision of Head of Zonal Office, Nias, and under the technical supervision of the Head of Child Protection Section, Banda Aceh, support the implementation of child protection interventions through building the capacity of government, as key duty bearer, to fulfill the rights of children in Nias.
· University degree in Social Sciences or related field to Master’s Level;
· Alt least five (5) years progressively responsible professional work experience in child rights/child protection with demonstrated strong advocacy skills in raising such issues with government at a high level;
· Knowledge of existing and latest developments in the field of child protection and implementation of the convention on the rights of the child;
· Ability to conduct training on child protection, child rights and juvenile justice with strong knowledge of the relative nation legislative frameworks;
· Ability to work as a part of a team and independently as required;
· Ability to work productively under pressure and cope with deadlines.
· Ability to write in a clear and concise manner and to communicate effectively orally.
· Competencies required: Foundational: Commitment, drive for results, embracing diversity, integrity, self-awareness and self-regulation and teamwork. Functional: Managing resources, building trust, tact, technical knowledge, judgment, communication, coaching
· Fluency in English and Indonesian; Knowledge of another UN language is an asset.
BA-2, Project Officer Constructions (2 Posts)
Duty Station – Meulaboh, NAD and Nias North Sumatra
Temporary Fixed-Term, NO-A Level
Under the general guidance of the Construction Specialist – L3, the incumbent will assist in the implementation of a plan for the quality assurance and control the construction of the UNICEF buildings around Meulaboh and Nias with travel to the operation area in the province.
· University degree in Civil Engineering, architecture or other relevant technical area
· Alt least three (3) years work experience in construction contract management of reinforced concrete buildings.
· Knowledge of materials, methods, and the appropriate tools to construct structures and buildings.
· Knowledge of structural engineering in the design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber as applied to construction of buildings and structures
· Proven ability to identify potential problems and recommend appropriate solutions manner
· Strong links in humanitarian community
· Excellent writing and presentation skills
· Ability to work productively in a multi-cultural environment
· Good health and willingness to travel and live in locations with difficult conditions.
· In additions, incumbent should: have the ability to communicate effectively in Bahasa Indonesia and English with others to effectively convey information; have a strong capacity to use logic and analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches; have good initiative and ability to apply technical knowledge creatively to ensure conflicts and disputes are resolved between contractors and beneficiaries; Current knowledge of the latest developments and technology in the field; strong leadership and teamwork abilities; Good analytical, negotiating, communications and advocacy skills; Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications, including knowledge of Auto CAD and MIS/GIS applications.
BA-3, Senior Programme Assistant
Duty Station – Banda Aceh, NAD
Temporary Fixed-Term, GS-7 Level
Under general supervision the Head of Constructions Unit, performs a variety of information gathering, monitoring, technical and administrative services of moderate scope and difficulty, in support of programme activities.
· Completion of bachelor degree in Economics preferably has experience working with UN or International organization in Administration and Finance & Accounting fields;
· Seven to eight years of progressively responsible clerical or administrative work, of which at least two yes is closely related to support of programme activities.;
· At least has experience one year to supervise 2-3 persons in the section.
· Ability to manage day to day operational unit.
· Communicate clearly in Indonesian and English
· Have good communication skills both written and orally.
· Good computer skills in word-processing, spreadsheet programmes and power point
· Has a willingness to travel outside of duty station
BA-4, Construction Field Monitoring Assistants (3 Posts)
Duty Station – Banda Aceh, NAD/Meulaboh, NAD/Nias, North Sumatra
Temporary Fixed-Term, GS-5 Level
Under general guidance of the Constructions Specialist (L-3), the incumbent will be required to assist the UNV Site Monitoring Engineer to implement a plan for the quality assurance and control of the construction of the UNICEF buildings some areas in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and Nias.
· Degree in civil engineering, construction engineering, architecture or other relevant technical area;
· At least 3 (three) years experience in construction contract management of reinforced concrete buildings;
· Have a knowledge of materials, methods, and the appropriate tools to construct structures and buildings
· Knowledge of structural engineering in the design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber as applied to construction of buildings and structures
· Proven ability to identify potential problems and recommend appropriate solutions manner
· Strong links in humanitarian community
· Excellent writing and presentation skills
· Ability to work productively in a multi-cultural environment
· Good health and willingness to travel and live in locations with difficult conditions.
· In additions, incumbent should: have the ability to communicate effectively in Bahasa Indonesia a and English with others to effectively convey information; have good initiative and ability to apply technical knowledge creatively to ensure conflicts and disputes are resolved between contractors and beneficiaries; Current knowledge of the latest developments and technology in the field; Computer skills, including internet navigation and various office applications, including knowledge of Auto CAD and MIS/GIS applications.
Candidates should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae, a recent identity photograph quoting reference number of the position and post title applied on the envelope, to: HR Specialist UNICEF, Wisma Metropolitan II, 11th Floor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 31 Jakarta 12920 or send electronically to: jakartahr@unicef. org Please quote the vacancy reference number and post title applied on the subject line. Closing date: 23 December 2007. Applications from qualified women are encouraged. UNICEF IS A SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENT
Kamis, 13 Desember 2007
4 Vacant Posts at UNICEF
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Nias
Coordinator in Lapis
The Learning Assistance Program for Islamic Schools (LAPIS), supported by the Australian Government, aims to contribute to the quality of basic education in Islamic schools in Indonesia.
We are seeking expressions of interest from highly experienced professionals for forthcoming opportunities. Applicants are not restricted to Indonesian nationals, but s/he should be based in Indonesia. LAPIS strongly encourages qualified women to apply.
Ref No Position Title
01CSM Coordinator, School Mapping
02CSC Coordinator, School Improvement and Support
03COP Coordinator, Communities of Practice
Terms of Reference are available at www.lapis.or. id. Email expressions of interest addressing the selection criteria with current CV to info@lapis.or. id with the above reference codes in the Subject heading. Applications that do not address the selection criteria shall not be considered. The closing date for applications are 5pm WIB on Monday 17th December 2007.
Posted by
Selasa, 11 Desember 2007
Provincial Education Finance Specialist (EFS) for DBE1 North Sumatera
Provincial Education Finance Specialist (EFS)
Terms of Reference
1. Introduction
The objective of DBE-1 (www.dbe-usaid. org) is to develop more effective
decentralized education management and governance. The project aims to
develop an education sector that (a) is effectively and efficiently managed
by local government agencies operating at different levels of the education
system (district, sub-district, and school levels); and (b) has strong
governance related agencies that effectively voice the aspirations of all
stakeholders. The project seeks to promote local government management
practices that are transparent, participatory, responsive, and accountable
(i.e., practices that are guided by principles of good governance). The
education sector as a whole will benefit from continuing interactions
between the executive branch of government, the legislature and organized
civil society.
DBE-1 program duration is five years and the program is nearing the end of
the second year of implementation. Efforts during the first year focused on
the development of School Development Plans (Rencana Pengembangan
Sekolah-RPS) . These plans have been developed in a participatory way with
strong involvement of School Committees and the school community. Besides
providing continued support at the school level, starting from the second
year of implementation DBE-1 has been providing support for education
management, including planning and financial analysis, and governance
development at the district level, focusing on both the executive and
legislative branches of government, including civil society.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the assignment are the following:
(i) Strengthen education planning and finance capacity at
the district Education Office (Dinas Pendidikan).
(ii) Help develop the capacity of governance related
institutions, which include DPRD, District Education Council (Dewan
Pendidikan), Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and the media to support
(iii) Assist in preparing policy recommendations for improved
Decentralized Basic Education Management and Governance.
3. Scope of Work
The specialist will:
a. Study in detail all the relevant documents for education planning
and management development, which will include District Long-term
Development Plan (RPJP), Medium-term Strategic Development Plan (Renstra
Pembangunan Jangka Menengah), Annual Plans, including District Budgets for
the current and last two years (APBD), District Education Finance Analysis
(DEFA), Head of Region Accountability Report (Laporan Pertanggungjawaban)
and Annual Reports of Dinas Pendidikan. In addition to the above documents,
study in detail education development plans prepared by higher levels of
government, which include national Medium-term Development Plan (RPJM),
Renstra Diknas, Provincial Medium-term Development Plan (Renstra Pembangunan
Jangka Menengah - Propinsi), and Renstra Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi.
Strengthen education planning and finance capacity at Dinas Pendidikan
Education Planning
b. Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to prepare a medium-term
Education Development Plan (Renstra SKPD). This task will be carried out on
the basis of the education planning manual developed under the project. The
Renstra SKPD is a five-year plan indicating the actions Dinas Pendidikan
plans to take to support achievement of education objectives and targets as
included in RPJMD.
c. DBE-1 promotes the development of information- based planning. To
this end, an education management information system will be developed. The
system will be either an enriched version of School Mapping 2005 developed
by Directorate of Vocational Education or a new application developed under
the project. The specialist is expected to actively support the introduction
of the new system and to develop the capacity of Dinas staff to conduct
relatively simple data analysis.
Education Finance
d. Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to (i) conduct financial
education sector analysis (multi-source: APBD Kab/Kota, APBD Province,
Deconcentration and APBN) and (ii) prepare concise information on education
sector performance in terms of inputs, outputs and outcomes. By
disseminating this information to stakeholders, the sector is to become more
e. Develop the capacity of Dinas Pendidikan to prepare annual
education development plans and budgets. The support will be primarily
provided during the early stages of the planning cycle when sector
development priorities and ceilings are set.
Help develop the capacity of governance related institutions
f. In close cooperation with the Governance Specialist provide
support for capacity development for DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, CSOs and Media,
which will primarily focus on assisting representatives from the Governance
related institutions to develop their understanding of school planning,
capacity development planning and multi-year education planning; and how to
prepare education policies and budget.
g. Support Governance Specialist in providing assistance for the
preparation of District Government Regulation (Peraturan Daerah - Perda) on
Education in the districts where such assistance is required
Assist in preparing policy recommendations for improved Decentralized Basic
Education Management and Governance
h. Under guidance of the National Team and in cooperation with
specialists working in the other DBE assisted provinces, identify policy
issues that should be brought to the attention of provincial and or national
authorities. Special attention should be given to, but not limited to,
issues related to increasing democratic interaction in education governance,
rationalizing and increasing local funding for basic education, and
increasing transparency and accountability in the education sector.
i. On the basis of jointly approved policy agenda, conduct policy
research and prepare policy recommendations. It is expected that DBE will
have an annual policy agenda and will submit its policy recommendations to
GOI by September each year.
Other Tasks
a. Facilitate cooperation between DBE1, 2 and 3 and where relevant
with other USAID-supported programs (LGSP, ESP, etc) in designing and
implementing district strategies to promote better education governance in
DBE districts.
b. Provide leadership and assistance to the Provincial Coordinator in
liaising with provincial and district stakeholders including Steering
Committees, Technical Teams and district leadership.
c. Assist the Provincial Coordinator in the selection of Cohort 3
districts, establishment of good working relationships including negotiation
of MOUs, formation of Steering Committees and Technical Teams, and selection
of local staff and District Facilitators.
d. Assist district education management in involving private sector in
e. Work closely with DBE1 Provincial Specialists in planning,
coordinating, implementing and reporting on DBE1 programs and activities as
f. Assist districts in formulating plans, budgets, programs to
replicate good practice from DBE and monitoring and reporting implementation
of these.
g. Support identification and dissemination of good practices between
DBE-assisted and not-assisted districts
h. Assist the Provincial Coordinator in other matters as these arise.
4. Level of Effort
Contract is made on an annual basis. The duration of the assignment is until
approximately December 2009.
5. Organizational Arrangements
EFS is a member of the DBE-1 provincial team comprising of Provincial
Coordinator, Education Planning and management Specialist (EPMS), Governance
Specialist (GS), Data and Information Specialist (DIS), and Community
Participation Specialist (CPS). The position reports to Provincial
He/she will be based in Medan, North Sumatera.
EFS will assist in medium-term (Renstra SKPD) and annual planning. He/she
will take the lead in conducting financial education sector analysis, but
will carry out these tasks in close cooperation with the other specialists
working at the district level. As to capacity development for DPRD, Dewan
Pendidikan, CSOs and the media, EFS will support the Governance Specialist
on an as-needed basis.
6. Reporting Requirements
The specialist will meet routine reporting requirements as determined from
time to time by the Provincial Coordinator. This may include:
a. Activity or Training Completion Reports following project standards
and guidelines.
b. Contributions to brief weekly and bi-weekly activity reports
c. Assisting in preparing quarterly internal reports and occasional
project activity reports to stakeholders including provincial and district
technical teams and steering committees.
7. Qualification Requirements
a. Experience in assisting district governments in
capacity/performanc e improvement development, preferably in the education
sector. The successful candidate will have thorough knowledge of district
government, in particular in the areas of district management, planning
(multi-year and annual), and finance.
b. The successful candidate should be familiar with APBD.
c. The successful candidate will have a thorough knowledge of the
education sector and should be familiar with education policies, planning,
finance, performance measures (APK etc.), and practices.
d. Minimum S1 degree, preferably in finance. Degree in management or
planning will be considered.
e. Be computer literate (Microsoft Office). Ability to use data
analysis applications (Access and or SPSS) is an advantage.
f. Ability to network among education stakeholders at the district
level (strong inter-personal skills).
g. Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to write
reports in English is an asset.
Please send detailed CV complete with 3 reference contact details and salary
history to dbe1sumut@gmail. com
Closing date for applications is 19 December 2007. Females are encouraged to
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Sumatra Utara
UNDP Vacancy (4 positions)
UNDP Vacancy (4 positions)
UNDP Governance Unit is initiating the development of Provincial Governance
Support Program (PGSP) which will be implemented by the government of
Indonesia to address some of the key challenges associated with
decentralization. Through PGSP, UNDP aims to support the Government of
Indonesia in re-defining and strengthen the role of the province in the
context of decentralization in Indonesia. This project will have two-pronged
assistance: (a) the development of relevant decentralization policies, and
(b) identifying and piloting concrete framework or tools of good governance
to assist provincial governance system. The project will explore how to
creatively apply provincial powers and responsibilities to facilitate
equitable economic growth and good governance among the districts.
The PGSP provides a framework that: 1) allows province governments access to
technical assistance and practical tools to strengthen good governance in
the province, and 2) allows for timely policy research and development based
on real experiences at the local level.
Technical assistance and tools provided under PGSP seek to: 1) provide
support within the existing government legislation and regular planning
cycles thus minimizing disruption and creation of new systems; and/or 2)
provide support to local reform-oriented governments committed to testing
alternative mechanisms within the existing legal framework. PGSP seeks to
build upon local government commitment and existing capacities.
The policy unit of the program allows for systematic monitoring of lessons
and for strategic and timely action-oriented research in the working areas
of the program. To ensure donor harmonization, the policy unit works
closely with other donor-supported initiatives through the Decentralization
Support Facility and likeminded initiatives.
UNDP Governance Unit is presently seeking the following positions:
1. Policy Manager
2. Communication Officer
3. Decentralization Senior Advisor
4. Research Team Leader
Type of Recruitment: National
Supervisor: Decentralization Programme Manager
Location: Jakarta, INDONESIA
Type of Contract: SSA
Post Level: NOB
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: February 2008
Duration: 6 months (with possible extension)
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under direct supervision of the Decentralization Programme Manager, the
Policy Manager is responsible for providing day to day policy advice,
recommendations and strategy in relation to the discourses and debates over
decentralization policies in Indonesia. The Policy Manager will help the
Decentralization Programme Manager to ensure that PGSP policy activities are
strategic and relevant to the decentralization context in Indonesia.
The Policy Manager will help the Decentralization Programme Manager in
establishing the policy unit of PGSP. This will involve recruiting necessary
staffs, consultants and researchers to undertake consultation and research
in order to strengthen the program capacity to respond to strategic policy
issues. The Policy Manager will have supervisory responsibilities of overall
policy works of PGSP, both in the PMU and in the Area Management Unit in the
More specifically, the Policy Manager will:
* Ensure that all PGSP policy activities are in line with the agreed annual
and quarterly workplans.
* Ensure that all PGSP policy activities are supporting and relevant to the
technical assistance activities undertaken at the provincial and district
* Ensure that researches and consultancies undertaken by the policy unit of
PGSP are of high quality, relevant and strategic in responding to the
discourses and debates on decentralization in Indonesia.
* Lead the formulation of policy research and advocacy workplan of PGSP,
including defining specific outcomes and outputs to be achieved and
* Assist in the formulation of capacity development strategies and help
nurture start-up activities together with the Decentralization Programme
Manager and Provincial Programme Coordinators.
* Support implementing partners in preparing workplans and budgets for
policy research and advocacy activities
* Help ensure that province-based staff and Jakarta-based staff maintain the
same understanding of the program concept, objectives and ethical working
principles of the program.
* Lead the process to produce policy briefs, policy papers, working papers
and other publications of PGSP.
* Ensure that timely and accurate reporting requirements (substantive and
financial) are met and that other material related to outreach activities,
dissemination of project information is produced.
* Supervise PGSP policy unit staff and consultants and ensure staff and
consultants evaluations are prepared in time with focus on staff
The Policy Manager is a highly professional, practical, and self-motivating
person who is able to work at all levels of government, engage with civil
society actors, and interact with donors.
The successful Policy Manager has excellent oral and written communication
skills and has strong leadership skills. He/she must have demonstrated
relevant program and staff management experience. He/she must have
demonstrated proven track record on policy research and advocacy at local
and national levels.
Required Skills and Experience:
* Master degree in relevant field e.g. economics, international relations,
political science, public administration;
* Minimum ten years experience of undertaking policy research and advocacy
works on development issues in Indonesia;
* Minimum five years experience of program and staff management in national
organization setting;
* Expertise in the area of decentralization and democratic governance;
* Experience overseeing preparation of high-quality publications;
* Proven experience in participatory planning approaches;
* Proven leadership and facilitation skills;
* Excellent communication skills including: proven writing skills,
inter-personal skills, and public speaking in formal settings;
* Willingness and ability to travel and stay for periods of time in
different parts of Indonesia;
* Experience using computers and office software packages and knowledge of
spreadsheet and database packages; and
* Fluency in written and spoken English.
Type of Recruitment: National
Supervisor: Decentralization Programme Manager
Location: Jakarta, INDONESIA
Type of Contract: SSA
Post Level: NOA
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: February 2008
Duration: 6 months (with possible extension)
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the overall guidance of the Decentralization Programme Manager and
direct day-to-day supervision of the Policy Manager, the Communication
Officer provides communications strategies, mechanisms and action plans with
clear targets and indicators that will serve to advocate and increase
exposure on the implementation the PGSP in Indonesia in the provinces,
including the Proliferation of the Regions issues and its subsequent policy
The Communication Officer for the Provincial Governance Support Program
(PGSP) is responsible for the communication and outreach strategies,
mechanisms and action plans to advocate and increase exposure on the
implementation the PGSP in Indonesia and in the provinces, including the
Proliferation of the Regions issues and its subsequent policy
recommendations. The Communication Officer will be responsible for ensuring
that outreach mechanisms and action plans are strategic and relevant to the
decentralization context in Indonesia.
The Communication Officer is responsible for ensuring that the communication
strategy are set up among all PGSP units and area-based teams, and the
outreach strategy are well exposed for relevant stakeholders in the
decentralization context in Indonesia, i.e. the general public, the central
government and province-level government, the international development
partners working in similar areas of decentralization in Indonesia, and
donors. The Communication Officer reports to the Decentralization Programme
Manager and the Policy Manager.
As part of an overall PGSP communication and outreach strategies, the
Communication Officer will be responsible for:
* Develop and implement the communication strategies among all PGSP units
and area-based teams.
* Develop and implement the outreach and visibility activities of the PGSP
Programme to the general public, the international development partners
working in similar areas of decentralization in Indonesia, and donors.
* Ensure that PGSP lessons are documented and analytical work captured in
reports. Ensure that such reports and documents are of high quality and
that they are shared effectively with relevant partners including government
at national level, civil society and donors supporting decentralization
efforts in Indonesia.
* Write and edit articles, newsletters, fact sheets and other information
materials as required;
* Ensure open and inclusive communication with partners and stakeholders.
Establish and maintain effective and timely communications and information
* Prepare the publication and advocacy of the Study on the Proliferation of
Administrative Regions (Pemekaran Daerah) and the Study on the Alternatives
to Pemekaran.
* Prepare and arrange for the publication of media releases, draft
correspondence, other information publications.
* Liaise with suppliers for printing and delivery of communication
* Liaise and follow up with finance on all purchase orders to ensure
payments made to suppliers for communication activities.
The Communication Officer is a highly professional and practical person who
is able to work at all levels of Indonesian government, engage with a range
of civil society actors, as well as interact with donors.
The successful Communication Officer has excellent communication and
facilitation skills and is a good team player with strong interpersonal
skills. He/she must have good organizational and planning skills and be
able to handle many tasks in timely manner.
Required Skills and Experience:
* Bachelor degree or Master degree in public relations, communications,
journalism, international relations, liberal arts, other relevant
discipline, or its equivalent;
* For Bachelor degree: six years of professional experience in public
information or related fields of work;
* For Master degree: three years of professional experience in public
information or related fields of work;
* Knowledge of decentralization would be an asset;
* Good experience in the production and development of public information
and advocacy materials;
* A network of contacts and familiarity in working with media in Indonesia
at the local, national and international levels is an advantage;
* Good interpersonal and communication skills;
* The ability to adapt messages to culturally diverse audiences;
* Knowledge of the UNDP mandate and its programme of activities;
* Good analytical and presentation skills;
* A good command of ICT applications;
* The ability to work on personal initiative and as a member of a team; and
* An excellent command of English and Bahasa Indonesia, both spoken and
Type of Recruitment: National
Supervisor: Decentralization Programme Manager
Location: Jakarta, INDONESIA
Type of Contract: SSA
Post Level: NOD
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: February 2008
Duration: 6 months (with possible extension)
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the guidance and supervision of the Decentralization Programme
Manager, the Decentralization Senior Advisor will provide advice to
Decentralization Programme Manager; the Team Leader of PGSP; the National
Project Director; as well as relevant partners in the Ministry of Home
Affairs (MOHA), BAPPENAS, DPOD, DPD, and Badan Legislasi DPR.
In particular, the Decentralization Senior Advisor is responsible for
providing policy advice, recommendations and strategy on the discourses,
changes and debates over decentralization policies in Indonesia to the
National Project Director of PGSP, relevant Directors and Director Generals
in MOHA, BAPPENAS and DPOD. The similar services will also be provided to
the legislative bodies, namely Badan Legislasi DPR and DPD. The
Decentralization Senior Advisor will work with the Policy Manager to ensure
that PGSP policy activities are strategic and relevant to the
decentralization context in Indonesia.
The Decentralization Senior Advisor will also work with the PGSP Policy
Manager to establish a PGSP in-house advisory unit in a strategic
Directorate of GOI that deals with decentralization policies. This work will
involve developing workplan and budget as well as recruiting necessary
staffs, consultants and researchers to undertake consultation and research
in order to strengthen the capacity of the respective Directorate to respond
to strategic policy issues on decentralization.
More specifically, the Decentralization Senior Advisor will provide high
quality and strategic advice to the relevant GOI partners, both in the
executive and legislative branches of power:
* on the debates over policy framework of proliferation of regions in
* on the revision of Law no.32/2004;
* on the enactment of PP 38/2007 on Distribution of Roles and Functions of
National, Provincial and Local Governments;
* on the enactment of PP 41/2007 on Organization of Provincial and Local
Governments, PP on Minimum Public Service Standards;
* on the revision of PP 129/2000 on Establishment, Proliferation and Merging
of Regions;
* on the planned enactment of PP on Minimum Public Service Standards;
* on the planned enactment of PP on the Evaluation of the Performance of
Local Government;
* on the planned enactment of the package of laws on public service reform
that are now being developed by the Ministry of PAN (Public Administration
The Senior Decentralization Advisor is a highly professional, practical, and
self-motivating person who is able to work at all levels of government,
engage with civil society actors, and interact with donors.
The successful Senior Decentralization Advisor has excellent oral and
written communication skills and has strong leadership skills. He/she must
have demonstrated relevant program and staff management experience. He/she
must have demonstrated proven outstanding track record on policy research
and advocacy on decentralization at national and international levels.
Required Skills and Experience:
* PhD in relevant field e.g. economics, international relations, political
science, public administration;
* Minimum 15 years experience of undertaking policy research on governance
sector in Indonesia, including at least five years on decentralization
* Minimum five years experience of program and staff management in national
and/or international organization setting;
* Outstanding track record in publishing materials on governance and
development sector;
* Proven experience in participatory planning approaches;
* Proven leadership and facilitation skills;
* Excellent communication skills including: proven writing skills,
inter-personal skills, and public speaking in formal settings;
* Experience using computers and office software packages and knowledge of
spreadsheet and database packages; and
* Fluency in written and spoken English.
Type of Recruitment: National
Supervisor: Decentralization Programme Manager
Location: Jakarta, INDONESIA
Type of Contract: SSA
Post Level: NOA
Languages Required: English
Starting Date: February 2008
Duration: 6 months (with possible extension)
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the guidance and supervision of the Decentralization Programme
Manager, and in close collaboration with the Decentralization Senior Advisor
and the PGSP Policy Manager, the Research Team Leader oversees and manages
research activities conducted under PGSP.
The Research Team Leader is responsible for ensuring that research
activities supported by PGSP are carried out ethically, timely and with a
focus on high quality. In addition to carrying out first hand research, the
Research Team Leader may also at times be tasked with the responsibility of
providing guidance and direction to short-term research consultants.
The Research Team Leader works in close cooperation with other PGSP
colleagues to identify challenges and opportunities in the light of the
on-going decentralization policy debates in Indonesia.
More specifically, during the first five months, the Research Team Leader
will work closely with the Decentralization Senior Advisor to provide high
quality and strategic research to the relevant GOI partners:
* on the debates over policy framework of proliferation of regions in
* on the revision of Law no.32/2004;
* on the enactment of PP 38/2007 on Distribution of Roles and Functions of
National, Provincial and Local Governments;
* on the enactment of PP 41/2007 on Organization of Provincial and Local
Governments, PP on Minimum Public Service Standards;
* on the revision of PP 129/2000 on Establishment, Proliferation and Merging
of Regions;
* on the planned enactment of PP on Minimum Public Service Standards;
* on the planned enactment of PP on the Evaluation of the Performance of
Local Government;
* on the planned enactment of the package of laws on public service reform
that are now being developed by the Ministry of PAN (Public Administration
The Research Team Leader is a highly professional, practical, and
self-motivating person who is able to work at all levels of government and
engage with civil society actors.
The successful Research Team Leader has a strong background in research
methodology and excellent oral and written communication skills. He/she
must have demonstrated research experience in relevant subject matter.
He/she must have demonstrated proven outstanding track record in public
policy research.
Required Skills and Experience:
* Preferably a PhD, or at least a Master degree in relevant field e.g.
economics, international relations, political science, public
* Minimum 5 years experience of undertaking research on governance sector in
* Experience developing research methodology and leading teams of
* Proven track record in publishing research material;
* Proven leadership and facilitation skills;
* Excellent communication skills including: proven writing skills,
inter-personal skills, and public speaking in formal settings;
* Experience using computers and office software packages and knowledge of
spreadsheet and database packages; and
* Fluency in written and spoken English and Indonesian.
Interested candidates should submit a one-page cover letter and curriculum
vitae to the following e-mail: budiati.prasetiamar tati@undp. org. Submission
deadline: 22 December 2007. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Finance Supervisor and Procurement
CHF International is a leading US-based NGO seeking qualified
professionals for the following positions. These positions are open
to national candidates only.
Under the direction of the Finance and Administration Manager, the
Finance Supervisor will be responsible for daily accounting and
financial tasks. Specific tasks include, but are not limited to:
• Maintain cash and bank account records, including maintenance of a
debit-credit- balance sheet, etc
• Prepare checks, payment vouchers, and wire transfer request forms
• Supervise petty cash management
• Prepare and submit weekly/monthly finance reports
• Maintain and update all financial files/documents
• Prepare final payment for all goods/services purchased locally,
ensuring the all required documentation is completed and invoices are
• Execute payment of consultant payroll
Professional Requirements/ Qualifications:
• University degree in finance/accounting or related field
• At least 3 years experience in finance/accounting, preferably
within an international development organization
• Excellent written and spoken English
• Excellent computer skills
• Strong interpersonal and leadership skills
Under the direction of the Procurement Supervisor, the Procurement
Officer will be responsible for daily provide material. Specific
tasks include but are not limited to :
• Prepare and maintain procurement process
• Execute procurement of goods/services with limited goods value.
• Maintain, updating and control of inventory record along with the
physical checked and labeling.
• Equipment keeper.
• Updating and filling procurement files and handover form.
• Identify and liaise with local vendors
• Assist supervisor for all logistic related matters
• Performing other tasks and duties consistent with the above
Professional Requirements/ Qualifications:
• University degree in technical, management or related field
• At least 1 years experience in procurement or logistic, preferably
within an international development organization
• Excellent in communication and administration
• Excellent written and spoken English
• Excellent computer skills
• Strong interpersonal and leadership skills
Applications for all positions must include: A cover letter, detailed
resume with 3 references with written position applied for as the
subject line or on the right side of the envelope. Only short listed
candidates will be contacted. Please send the required materials not
later than December 21, 2007 to CHF Indonesia attn. Recruitment
Section, Jl. Timoho II No. 43, Mujamuju, Umbulharjo Yogyakarta-55166,
or by email to recruitment@ chfindonesia. org (100KB max).
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jogjakarta
Account Management,Media Realation,Secretary
Bamboedoea Communications – sebuah perusahaan Konsultan Kehumasan dengan prestasi internasional dan berpengalaman mengelola program Komunikasi dan Kehumasan berskala nasional di berbagai instansi pemerintahan dan swasta membutuhkan beberapa staf untuk posisi :
Account Management - AM
Media Relations - MR
Sekretaris - SEK
Lamaran agar dapat dikirimkan ke
nitapramono@ bamboedoea. com paling lambat 28 Desember, 2008
Kualifikasi yang diinginkan :
Umum :
- Pria/ Wanita usia maksimum 27 tahun
- Minimum S1 dari berbagai jurusan
- Berwawasan luas, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik
- Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, dinamis.
- Mampu bekerja berdasarkan tenggat waktu, dibawah tekanan dengan minimum supervisi
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Menguasai MS Office dan menggunakan internet dalam meningkatkan efektifitas kerja
Khusus :
- AM : memiliki pengalaman di bidang terkait selama min 2 tahun
- MR : memiliki kemampuan menulis
- SEK : memiliki pengalaman minimum 2 tahun
Posted by
Environmental Health CAD Officer - Canadian Red Cross
The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on home construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2007. We are also implementing Livelihood and Environmental Health programs to help families and communities to improve their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates to fill the following position based in Banda Aceh on a fixed term contract basis.
Environmental Health CAD Officer (Code: EHC0)
Job Purpose
To update and/or create AutoCAD versions of CRC library of technical drawings and provide AutoCAD training to EH and other program staff
Main Responsibilities
· Update existing Environmental Health CAD library
· Produce and maintain design drawings for Environmental Health projects
· Produce and maintain controlled catalogue of EH and other technical drawings
· Interact with EH engineers to accurately update and correct existing drawings
· Organize and deliver AutoCAD training for EH technical staff and other program staff as requested.
· Provide timely reports and up-to-date information on work progress
· Work in accordance with the Red Cross/Red Crescent principles.
Competencies and skills required for the position
· Degree in technical field - Engineering, Architecture or Diploma in Drafting and Design
· Training in AutoCAD; Proficient in use of AutoCAD 2008
· Able to read and understand construction drawings
· Able to create produce AutoCAD drawings based on hand sketches
· Experience in drafting and design of of water and sanitation infrastructure including development of spring catchment systems, pipelines, wells (shallow wells and boreholes), latrines, septic systems, drainage.
· Analytical skills with the ability to learn quickly.
· Preferred >5 years work experience.
· Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Project, Powerpoint
· Proficiency in using graphic design software an asset
· Experience with proposal writing, reporting, and managing budgets.
Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Only candidate meeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered. Applications must be received by Friday, December 14, 2007.
Canadian Red Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations.
Personal and confidential: This email is intended for the individual to whom it was addressed. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender and delete this message and attachments, if any, from your system. Please note that the use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is prohibited. Thank you.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
Senin, 10 Desember 2007
Spa Operations Manager (SOM) Nusa Dua - Bali
PT Perigi Sempana in Bali is URGENTLY looking for some talents to join our passionate team:
Interested candidates are required to apply with comprehensive resume and current picture and indicate position applied to:
Fax. 777 664 / 778 887
Read More
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Bali
Secretary (Based in Banda Aceh)
Muslim Aid is an international non-governmental, humanitarian organization based in London with 21 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for disaster and conflict affected people across the globe operating in more than 60 countries.
Muslim Aid Indonesia is carrying out relief and reconstruction work in Aceh and are currently seeking to employ experienced and qualified staff to fill the following post to assist in the implementation of its projects in NAD.
Secretary [Based in Banda Aceh]
The Secretary work with the Country Director, she should handle all the secretarial duties, Correspondences, typing take, minutes of meetings, maintain the filling system, arranging appointments with MAI partner and any other task assigned by the Country Director.
Qualifications and Experience:
The candidate is expected to have at least a Diploma with minimum 2 years working experience preferably have experience in INGO’s, have a good communication skills (oral & written) in English, excellent computer skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook), ability to work as part of a team, good personality, hard worker and able to work under pressure and keep to deadlines.
“Muslim Aid is actively encouraging female candidates to apply”
Applications should be addressed to: Human Resource Department, Muslim Aid Indonesia, Jalan T. Bintara Pineung No. 27 Banda Aceh 23116, or email hr_muslimaid.indonesia@yahoo
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
Telemarketing (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Barat)
PT Ranca serta Jaya
PT. Rancaserta Jaya inviting potential candidates to join a advertising company to fill in the following position:
rancaserta@plasa.com Read More
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Vacancy at Djati Radio
Radio Djati is looking for a Project Admin Assistant for a
special research project that it is currently implementing
in partnership with IAIN, HCR, and Tearfund UK. The
positions will have the following tasks and
Provide the administrative, finance and logistics support
that will help accomplish the objectives and planned
outputs of the project.
More specifically, the person must have experience in
basic office management, drafting of
letters/correspondences, organization of files,
purchasing, preparing expense reports and transacting with
the bank, and other related administrative tasks.
She/He must be computer literate and is familiar with the
use of wordprocessing (Word) and spreadsheet (Excel)
Able to prepare minutes of meetings
Able to communicate in written and spoken English.
Must be willing to be sent on field and willing to work
for extended hours, willing to work on Saturdays, when
Applicants may email their CV or resume together with a
letter of application to to Mr. Herry R at
herry@djatifm.com. The monthly rate is Rp1.5million. The
contract will be until April 15, 2008 I hope you can help
pass on this information. Thanks in advance for your help.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
Democracy & Governance/Civil Society Specialist
World Learning has an immediate opening for a Democracy &
Governance/Civil Society Specialist for the USAID/World Learning
Religious and Social Pluralism, Equity and Tolerance (RESPECT) program.
This is a five-year program currently being launched in Indonesia.
The interested candidates must state in the cover letter how their
education, prior work experience, inter-personal skills, technical
skills, knowledge of the area of work, knowledge of USAID policies and
regulations and capabilities to effectively launch and implement the
program make them the best candidates. Fluency in written and spoken
English and Bahasa Indonesian is a plus. Qualified Indonesia nationals
are strongly encouraged to apply.
Interested persons should submit a cover letter stating salary history
and resume by e-mail soonest possible to the following e-mail address:
recruitment3@ worldlearning. org
Preferable start date is January 2008 or earlier.
The successful candidate will provide technical and programmatic
assistance to the RESPECT program. RESPECT promotes pluralism, religious
diversity, and the rights of women and minority groups. The program will
partner with community, faith-based, non-governmental organizations,
government institutions, private sector and mass media organizations to
achieve the program objectives.
The candidate should have in-depth knowledge of and a proven track
record in working successfully on the above mentioned priorities,
Indonesian counterparts, Ministries, and multi-lateral organizations.
- Oversee program development and logistics for all technical
components of the program.
- Assist in providing, coordinating or arranging all technical
assistance and administrative support activities under the program.
- Assist in supervising and mentoring technical and management staff.
- Coordinate relationships with civil society organizations and
government institutions on technical matters.
- Develop solicitations for program bids.
- A minimum of 7 years of experience in democracy and governance
fields including decentralization, public-private dialogue, policy
reform, human rights protection, advocacy, policy/legislative change,
civic education, network and coalition building, capacity building of
civil society organizations, community driven development, media and/or
gender strategies.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and
- Strong financial management and program management experience.
- Familiarity with donor, in particular, USAID requirements.
- Demonstrated track record in establishing systems and program start-
up under limited time constraints and overseeing multiple program areas
- Master's Degree or equivalent in international development,
political or social science or related field preferred.
- Prior experience working in Indonesia preferred.
- Extensive cultural knowledge and work with Muslim communities and
Muslim organizations.
- Extensive work in gender related issues.
Posted by
Environmental Health Field Technician
The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is implementing a major community-based reconstruction and rehabilitation program with the primary focus on home construction project in Aceh Besar, Lamno, Calang and Nias for beneficiaries affected by Tsunami of December 26, 2004 and earthquake of March 28, 2007. We are also implementing Livelihood and Environmental Health programs to help families and communities to improve their live quality. We are looking for qualified and committed candidates to fill the following position based in Aceh Besar on a fixed term contract basis.
Environmental Health Field Technician (Code: EHFT-LC)
Job Purpose
To assist the implementation of Canadian Red Cross Environmental Health hardware program in TSS, communities and public facilities.
Core Responsibilities
· Assist in planning the design of water and sanitation infrastructures.
· Conduct field assessments and identify priority problems in water and sanitation.
· Assist in EH technical assessments and help in the preparation of project plans and BoQ.
· Work in accordance with the drawings and specification provided by the field/project engineer.
· Coordinate with the local authorities and communities for guaranteeing a good community participation and a smooth implementation of the work.
· Supervise construction, repairs/maintenance of water and sanitation infrastructures in TSS, communities and public facilities.
· Assist with hiring of local site supervisors and sourcing of local labor.
· Assist in preparation work plans, schedules and reports.
· Ensure that construction occurs in a timely manner.
· Ensure that all construction material is used appropriately and in accordance with approved plans.
· Supervise construction staff to ensure that all relevant standards are met.
· Assist in the payments to local site supervisors and laborers.
· Work with contractors to ensure the work done is in accordance with accepted engineering practices and complies with design and local regulations.
· Provide timely reports and up-to-date information on all developments in the field.
· Work in accordance with the Red Cross/Red Crescent principles.
Competencies and skills required for the position:
· Excellent communication skills: Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Aceh. Basic knowledge of English is an asset.
· Experience in construction of water and sanitation infrastructure including development of spring catchment systems, wells (shallow wells and boreholes), latrines, septic systems, drainage, installation and operation of pumps, installation of pipes, valves & fittings.
· Experience supervising contractors and daily workers.
· Analytical skills with the ability to learn quickly.
· Preferred >5 years work experience.
· Knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Word is an asset.
Please Notice: Applications should be sent to recruitment. id@redcross. ca quoting the Ref code as the subject of the e-mail and indicating the Job title on the covering letter and the attachment should not exceed 200 Kb. Only candidate meeting the Essential Qualifications will be considered. Applications must be received by Friday, December 14, 2007.
Canadian Red Cross gives an equal-opportunity employment regardless of race, gender, religion, or political affiliations.
Personal and confidential: This email is intended for the individual to whom it was addressed. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender and delete this message and attachments, if any, from your system. Please note that the use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this email is prohibited. Thank you.
Personnel: Ce courriel ne s'adresse qu'au destinataire prévu. Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expéditeur et le supprimer de votre système ainsi que toute pièce jointe, le cas échéant. À noter qu'il est interdit d'utiliser, de diffuser, de transmettre, d'imprimer ou de photocopier ce courriel. Merci.
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Category Vacancy in Aceh
SVN 128-129, Senior Finance Assistant, National Project Officer, Banda Aceh, NAD
IOM is looking for Senior Finance Assistant according to the terms of reference below. Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting their application to hrbandaaceh@ iom.int not later than 19 December 2007 indicating the reference code below and job title. All candidates are requested to specify their availability date in the application form. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Reference Code : SVN/IDI/2007/ 128
Job Title : Senior Finance Assistant
Duty Station : Banda Aceh, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
Classification : Employee, Grade 6
Estimate Starting Date : As soon as possible
General Functions:
Under the direct supervision of Resource Management Officer (RMO) for the Post-Conflict Communities Reintegration Unit in Banda Aceh and overall with coordination of the CIDA Project Manager , the incumbent will monitor and track the budgetary, financial, human resources and administrative functions of the Post-Conflict Communities, particularly in the field. In particular he/she will:
1. Provide oversight for all the finances of a complex project involving operational funds and administration of grants.
2. Constantly analyze project finances including pipeline, burn rates, projections etc and be proactive and innovative in identifying and dealing with problems and make recommendations to the project manager.
3. Select and enter data from a wide variety of documents, verifying accuracy by checking sources and make necessary calculations.
4. Produce regular financial reports for the donors.
5. Give presentations on the financial aspect of the projects to national and international audiences.
6. Maintain financial records and monitoring system to record, reconcile expenditures, balances, payments, statements and other financial data.
7. Work with limited supervision.
8. Take overall responsibility for and monitor the accounts of individual community grant projects in kecamatans (sub-districts) throughout Aceh province. This involves conducting random spot-checks of project bookkeeping by the Kecamatan Financial Management Unit., the standard form of accounting by the Government of Indonesia’s Kecamatan Development Programme, IOM’s implementing partner for the Post-Conflict Communities quick-impact projects.
9. Work in close cooperation with the IDRP and DDR Admin/Finance units to be responsible for the financial and administrative issues related to the functioning of the Post-Conflict Communities Unit.
10. Prepare, track and revise the project budgets on a continuous basis.
11. Supervise two roving financial assistants and 15 other field staff in relation to financial matters.
12. Sign off on payment requests prior to payment verify supporting documents and follow up as necessary.
13. Supervise the transfer of money to pay up to 1,000 staff
14. Produce budgets for future project proposals
15. Ensure that the documents received from third parties (suppliers, partners, etc.) meet the minimal quality parameters of authenticity.
16. Ensure administrative procedures are in place and followed in accordance with the Organization' s regulations and procedures.
17. Perform other duties as may be assigned.
Desirable Qualifications
University degree, preferably in Accounting/Business Administration, with a professional education or experience in accounting, minimum of five years experience in financial management, accounting and budgeting, willingness to travel and spend long amounts of time in the field is a requirement. Familiarity with financial oversight and public administration.
Good communication skills, flexibility, enthusiasm, initiative, good analytical skills, ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds and in stressful conditions. Thorough knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia and Acehnese, good knowledge of English.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
Vacancy - Legislative Strengthening Specilaist Jakarta Base
Legislative Strengthening Specialist
RTI International, a leading international consulting firm, is seeking a qualified Indonesian national for a national office position as Legislative Strengthening Specialist for the USAID-funded Local Governance Support Program (LGSP). The LGSP program provides customized capacity-building support to local governance stakeholders, including DPRD, in over 45 districts and cities in 6 provinces.
The core objective of the legislative strengthening program is to improve democratic governance at the local level through assisting members of DPRDs to become more effective, participatory and transparent in performing their core functions of law-making, development planning and budgeting, and government oversight. The Legislative Strengthening Specialist manages LGSP’s national office capacity-building program to support local DPRDs in carrying out their core functions, and coordinates the work of regional Legislative Strengthening Specialists. Detailed job description is available at www.lgsp.or. id.
The position is full-time and requires an advanced university degree, 10 years relevant work experience, a good command of English and communication skills, and computer proficiency. The position is in Jakarta, but will require frequent travel to LGSP’s jurisdictions. Previous USAID or other donor project experience is preferred. A competitive salary and benefits package will be offered to the successful candidate. Applications will be treated confidentially and selection will be competitive. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Please send cover letter, CV and contact information before 15 December 2007 to:
e-mail: recruitment@ lgsp.or.id
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Project Coordinator - Meulaboh
Right To Play is an athlete-driven, humanitarian non-governmental organization, delivering programs of structured play to children living in situations of disadvantage in 23 countries around the world. RTP-Indonesia is partnering with UNICEF and Dinas Sosial to implement programs that enhance holistic child development, build community capacity and raise awareness of child rights issues.
Responsible to: Project Manager
Deadline for applications: January 4, 2008
Due to time pressures, applications will be considered before the closing date. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Responsible for building the capacity of community volunteers to deliver structured play activities in 6 UNICEF Child Centres in Aceh Barat and Nagan Raya, as well as the surrounding community (such as pantis and schools).
Please send your cover letter and CV to rtpindonesia1@ gmail.com
In your cover letter please explain:
*why you would like to work for Right To Play in Meulaboh
*your experience presenting/facilita ting trainings or workshops for adults or children
*your experience working in Aceh
For further information about Right To Play, visit www.righttoplay. com
FEMALE CANDIDATES are especially encouraged to apply.
National Project Coordinators (NPCs) conduct training workshops to build the capacity of local community volunteers, who in turn conduct structured play activities for children in their communities. These community volunteers include: 1) PSM; 2) TK teachers; 3) panti caregivers; and 4) sports coaches. The main goal of NPCs is to ensure the sustainable delivery of Right To Play programs, leading to strong community ownership. NPCs will work as part of a small team of national and international staff to meet project objectives.
*Plan and deliver workshops that train community leaders (e.g., PSM, TK teachers, panti caregivers, other teachers and sports coaches, Komite Anak / Karang Taruna, and LPA members) to deliver Right To Play program resources to children, most notably Red Ball Child Play (RBCP) and Early Child Play (ECP)
*Provide ongoing assessment and support to trained community volunteers, especially with regard to sustainability
*Conduct community outreach activities that target certain vulnerable groups of children (e.g., children with disabilities, children in pantis, female children)
*Train Child Centre staff and sub-district level social workers in the design of an effective child registration system, community mapping, surveys of behavioural change, and monitoring of local-level program implementation
*Create a detailed Community Map that identifies potential project beneficiaries and key partners
*Organize RBCP “Play Days” at UNICEF Child Centres, in conjunction with Dinas Sosial child re-registration drive
*Assist in the data collection and analysis of baseline assessment and outcomes evaluation that measures behavioural change in participating children
*Develop and adapt the Right To Play program resources to highlight and promote child protection issues in keeping with UNICEF and Dinas Sosial objectives
*Produce narrative and financial reports for both internal and external use
*Accurate day to day bookkeeping and financial accountability
*Effectively document and record all relevant program activities
*Contribute towards setting and achieving monthly objectives
*Translation of program resources
*Represent Right To Play in a confident and professional manner to potential project partners
*Identify and recruit Community Volunteers interested in implementing Right To Play program resources
*University degree or other relevant experience
*1 year NGO field experience
*Demonstrated understanding of program management cycle
*Experience in adult education and/or facilitating training workshops
*Proven ability to develop and strengthen relationships with diverse stakeholders
*Experience working with children and youth
*Effective report writing, both narrative and financial
*Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia, basic proficiency in English, Acehnese desirable
* Experience working and living in Aceh
*Competent in Windows operating system, proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
*First Aid certification a bonus
*Enthusiastic and self-motivated
*Excellent communication skills
*Able to interact sensitively and diplomatically with people from different backgrounds
*Committed team member with ability to lead and to work with others
*Fast and willing learner
*Confident public speaker amongst peers
*Remains calm and focused under pressure
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Aceh
HELP from Germany is a German non government
charity organization. Since 25 years we
have focused on fulfilling people¢s most important needs. Help is engaged in
emergency assistance as well as in rehabilitation and development projects. Whenever possible we are linking emergency
aid with self-help. It is our aim to encourage the efforts made by the
community affected by catastrophes and misery in order to have them improve
their living circumstances themselves.
HELP is based in Gunungsitoli, Desa Fodo, Nias Island
and currently works in House Rehabilitation and Recontruction, Latrine
Construction and Water Supply, Hygiene Promotion, Income Generating Livelihood
Activities, and HeTC (Help Training Centre).
HELP has the following vacancy in our Nias
Personal Assistant /
Translator for Watsan Project
Location : Lahusa, South Nias,
1 (one) Post
the Watsan Coordinator in his daily dutiesTranslation
during all process, oral and written (English, Bahasa Indonesia, dan
Bahasa Nias).Maintain
regular communication with all Watsan Team members and the other
good relationship between HELP e.V Watsan team and the (Sub)-Villages in
the project area.If
required, represent HELP e.V in external meetings.Willing
to stay in the field. Work base in LahusaWrite
and file correspondence (MS Office skill)Write
weekly reports according to HELP e.V Standart Format Report.Conduct
other duties as required from the Project Coordinator.
degree preferredHas
translation experience minimum 1(one) year.Perfect
ability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia, Nias and English both oral and
written .Proficiency in MS Excel & WordAbility to react flexible and
quickExcellent interpersonal and
communication skillAble
to solve the issues in the field.Ability
to solve problems and make decisions.Able
to work under pressure.
Please submit CV to HELP Nias Office before 31st
December 2007 or sent by email to schoensee@help-ev.de or by post to HELP Nias Office, Jl. Diponegoro Km 6,7 Desa Fodo,
Gunung sitoli. Due to the urgency of this position, interviews may be held as
suitable applications are received and the position may be filled before the
closing date.
Start of contract : Middle of January
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Nias
Vacancy at British Embassy Jakarta
The British Embassy is recruiting two staff with relevant experience to join its Programme team. The salary scale starts at Rp. 5.5million
For further details see the British Embassy website www.britain. or.id
Candidates should send their CVs with a brief covering letter to jakprog@fco. gov.uk by Thursday, 13 December 2007.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Grants & Finance Manager for the USAID/World Learning RESPECT project - upd
World Learning is seeking a Grants & Finance Manager for the USAID/World
Learning Religious and Social Pluralism, Equity and Tolerance (RESPECT)
project. This is a new five-year project currently being launched by World
Candidates must state in their cover letter how their strengths and skills,
including education, prior work experience, inter-personal skills, technical
skills, knowledge of the area of work, knowledge of USAID policies and
regulations and their capabilities to effectively launch and implement the
program make them the best candidate. Fluency in written and spoken English
and Bahasa Indonesian is a plus. Qualified Indonesian nationals are strongly
encouraged to apply. Interested persons should submit a cover letter,
resume and salary history by e-mail soonest possible to:
Please consider that the remuneration for this position is limited to a
maximum of Rp 180,000,000 per year (excluding benefits).
The Grants and Finance Manager will ensure proper maintenance and
functioning of the grants management system. This includes monitoring the
entire grants management process from solicitation through close out and
ensuring proper compliance with all donor regulations
- Analytical skills to identify organizations eligible for grants based on
pre-determined criteria, and then assess the credibility of organizations
and their proposed programs. Undertake awards following review, evaluation
and recommendations made by a technical review committee.
- Ability to determine the responsibility and grant-worthiness of
organizations through financial statements, audits and other documentation
presented in a proposal.
- Ability to establish and sustain interpersonal and professional
relationships with USAID Missions, international PVOs and local CBOs.
- Ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks.
- Proficiency in the Microsoft suite of office products.
- Ability to train PVOs and CSOs on grants management and required
reporting preferred.
- Working knowledge of OMB Circulars, Federal Acquisition Regulations,
applicable legislation for USAID, HIV/AIDS, and grant and cooperative
- Knowledge of Federal auditing requirements and demonstrated ability to
exercise financial oversight of sub-grant programs.
- Ability to establish and sustain interpersonal and professional
- Strong written and oral communications skills
- Account for and pay invoices for grant and non-grant related
- Track transfer of funds between the headquarters office and field;
- Oversee financial specialists hired to meet the rate at which grants are
developed and approved.
- Oversee the work of the logistics/procureme nt officer and additional
- Fluency in written and spoken English
- B.S. in a related field, Master's preferred
- Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience
- Experience working in Indonesia preferred
- Extensive work with Muslims and Muslim organizations
Posted by
Finance Officer - Jakarta
USAId project seeks experienced Finance Officer to support a national project to rapidly increase immunization coverage.
The position is located in Jakarta.
The Finance Officer will be responsible for ensuring that the accounting and financial control system are properly implemented in the Jakarta and provincial offices. S/He shall review the bookkeeping, bank account records and documentation to ensure the policies and procedures are correctly implemented. S/He shall also ensure that data is correctly entered into the QuickBooks accounting system.
Periodic travel to provincial offices shall be required.
Requirements :
S1 degree in relevant field
3-5 years experience
Prior USAID experience an advantage
Experience with QuickBooks or similar accounting system an advantage
To apply : Please send a cover letter and CV to careers@basics. org with "Finance Officer - Jakarta" noted in the subject heading by no later than Friday, December 7, 2007.
Applications by fax and mail will not be accepted and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Jakarta
Minggu, 09 Desember 2007
HKI Program Coordinator, Central Java
Helen Keller International/ Indonesia (HKI), an international NGO part of Helen Keller International, is a global leader in saving the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We combat the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision, health and nutrition.
HKI’s programs have primarily addressed in nutrition, maternal and child health, large scale health monitoring and evaluation, social marketing and health promotion, inclusive education and eye care.
Seeking candidate for Provincial Education & Disabilities Program Coordinator, to be based in Central Java Province
Graduate from University with S1 Bachelors, Masters Degree will be a plus
Minimum 3 years education experience with children with disabilities
Fluent written and spoken English
Good Bahasa Indonesia writing skills
Public speaking, Diplomacy and Interpersonal skills are vital
Have experience as a Trainer
Have Public Relation and Event Coordination experience
Enjoys working with minimum supervision
Qualified candidates should e-mail a cover letter and CV in English, including expectation salary to: hr@hki-indonesia. org with e-mail subject E&D Program Coordinator for Central Java, no later than 20 Dec 2007.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for test and interview. CV’s without a cover letter will not be processed.
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Java