Terms of Reference (TOR)
Assessment on Food Processing and Marketing of Processed Food
Soe, TTS, NTT, Indonesia
ACF is currently implementing a 1-year food security project in TTS
district (July 2007 ¡V June 2008) funded by the Spanish Cooperation
(AECI). The specific objective of the project is : to improve in a
sustainable way household food security in two sub-districts, Timor
Tengah Selatan district, NTT.
The project targets 23 sub-villages (dusuns) in 2 remote sub-
districts (kecamatan) in rural TTS ¡V Boking and Amanatun Utara. The
expected results of the project are :
- Strengthened local agricultural capacities and improved
agricultural production for 300 households in 12 farmer groups in
Amanatun Utara sub-district
- Strengthened local income generating capacities and improved access
to income generating means for 200 households in 20 IGA groups in
Boking sub-district
In order to optimize the impact, a relatively limited number of
households (500) receive an in-depth and individualized support
during the whole timeframe of the project.
From an operational perspective, this project is a pilot phase that
is meant to prepare a future replication while deepening the
understanding of the very particular local context. That is why the
development of existing opportunities and the improvement of existing
practices have been preferred. Meanwhile, feasibility of more
innovative activities will be assessed.
The overall objective of the assessment, which will occur near the
end of the current project, is:
To evaluate the feasibility of potential food processing activities
to be developed either with existing groups (agricultural and IGA:
fishing and livestock) or with new groups in the next project cycle.
The assessment will focus on the list of pre-selected raw food
materials / processed products presented in the table below; however,
the assessment team can add additional relevant materials / products
to this list during the course of the assessment.
Raw food material Processed Products
Pineapple Jam
Coconut Oil / Dried
Banana / Cassava Chips
Fish / Meat Smoked / Abon / Dendeng
Tamarind Candied
The expected output of the assessment is a series of direct, detailed
technical recommendations for the development of viable, sustainable
food processing activities in the project areas, which can be
incorporated into the proposal for the next project cycle, to be
finalized in April 2008.
The specific objectives of the assessment are detailed below.
Objective 1 :
To assess the availability of raw food materials for processing and
the possibilities for introducing different processing activities in
Kab TTS with a special emphasis on Kec Boking and Amanatun Utara.
Activities :
„X Collect and assess information regarding availability of the pre-
selected raw food materials, including the appropriateness of local
varieties / species for the pre-selected processing activities.
„X Assess the current knowledge, practices, resources (e.g.
electricity, water) and interest of beneficiaries of ACF food
security programs regarding the pre-selected food processing
Objective 2 :
To document technically the different processing options for the
available raw food materials.
Activities :
„X Collect and review secondary information on processing for the pre-
selected raw food materials.
„X Conduct and document field visits to processing sites in West Timor
that could be used as models for processing activities.
„X Compile an instruction sheet and detailed list of equipment and
specifications needed for each processing activity.
Objective 3 :
To evaluate the marketing possibilities for food processed in Kab TTS
with a special emphasis on Kec Boking and Amanatun Utara:
Activities :
„X Identify and evaluate the potential markets for different types of
processed food (location, volume of demand, market price,
competition) .
„X Assess market access costs (transport, etc.) for food processed in
ACF project areas and competitiveness of items given the access
„X Assess the availability and interest of traders who could buy,
transport, and sell processed food items.
Objective 4 :
To write a final report for use in developing the next cycle of ACF
food security interventions
Activities :
„X Write a detailed report to present findings and interpret their
„X Based on findings, make recommendations for interventions working
through ACF IGA and Agro groups that could increase and secure
income through food processing.
„X Include all technical information and contact information necessary
for putting the recommended activities in place.
The assessment will be conducted by 1 food processing and marketing
expert fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesian and 1 local assistant
fluent in Bahasa Indonesian and Dawan. The local assistant will be
recruited in Soe by ACF prior to the arrival of the expert. This
team will be based at the ACF office in Soe but will travel
extensively. Transportation means will be provided by ACF.
The methodology of the assessment will be defined by the expert, but
should include :
- Field visits to both sub-districts targeted by ACF¡¦s current food
security program and focus group discussions with at least one
agricultural group, at least one IGA fishing group, and at least
one IGA livestock group
- Review of background documents, project reports, etc.
- Meetings or information exchange with other NGO¡¦s working in NTT in
the sector (Care, CRS, Oxfam, Swiss Contact¡K)
- Meetings or information exchange with research institutions (BPTP)
and government ministries (as relevant)
- Field visits to processing sites in West Timor for each processing
- Surveys of major potential markets in West Timor (Soe, Oinlasi,
Betun, Atambua, Kupang¡K)
- Interviews with merchants, shop-keepers, traders, transporters,
etc., including information collection about marketing
possibilities outside of West Timor (Surabaya, Timor Leste¡K)
The assessment will require 5 full weeks of work and is currently
scheduled for 10 March ¡V 15 April.
The expert will be in charge of making his own activity plan.
However, an indicative calendar of activities is included below :
Week 1 Arrival in Soe
Briefing with Program Coordinator and Food Security team
Review of background documents (project reports, assessments, etc.)
Survey of Soe market ; market interviews
Field Visit to Amanatun Utara and discussions with agricultural groups
Week 2 Field Visit to Boking and discussions with IGA groups
Survey of markets in Oinlasi and Betun ; market interviews
Contact with other NGO¡¦s, research institutions, etc.
Week 3 Meetings in Kupang with other NGO¡¦s, research institutions,
Field visits to processing sites in Kupang
Survey of markets in Kupang and surrounding areas ; market interviews
Week 4 Visits to additional processing sites, markets (Atambua¡K),
projects of other NGO¡¦s
Collection of any additional information
Week 5 Preparation and submission of final report
Debriefing with Program Coordinator and Food Security team
Departure from Soe
Expected outputs of the assessment include :
- A detailed final report in English with results, analysis, and
recommendations. Recommendations should be specific and detailed
enough to be included in the proposal for the next project cycle.
- For each potential processing activity :
- Step-by-step instructions for carrying out the activity
- A detailed list of equipment with specifications (can be
accompanied by photos)
- An analysis of marketing possibilities and economic viability
- A summary of training needed to use the equipment and resources
for the training
- Minutes of meetings with NGO¡¦s, research institutions, and
government ministries, including contact information for any
necessary follow-up
In order to successfully complete this assessment within the required
timeframe, the expert must be highly organized and accustomed to
working autonomously with limited supervision. In addition, he/she
should match the following profile :
- Agro-economist, agronomist, or socioeconomist with masters degree
(S2) and at least 5 years of professional experience in community
development or related field.
- Experience in conducting market surveys and/or economic viability
- Experience in conducting short-term assessments.
- Experience in IGA or food processing projects preferred.
- Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
- Experience working in NTT would be an advantage.
- Specific knowledge or experience working with the pre-selected raw
food materials or processes would be an advantage.
Rabu, 23 Januari 2008
Vacancy for Food Processing and Marketing
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Category Vacancy in NTT