CARDI, an international NGO consortium providing support to persons affected
by conflict and natural disaster is looking for qualified national
candidates to fill in position to be based in Sarmi Town, Sarmi District,
Papua :
1. Field Coordinator (Code : FC - PUA)
Scope of Work:
The Field Coordinator- Papua (FC) has primary field leadership and oversight
responsibility for the Sarmi mapping project and other operations in Papua.
S/he is responsible for ensuring that program implementation follows
proposed timelines and the elements of the grant agreement (including the
proposal documents), and ensuring that operations are compliant with CARDI
policies and procedures. S/he oversights all project personnel and building
the capacity of the Deputy Project Manager, enabling her/him to take on
increasing project management responsibilities in Year 2 of the Sarmi
mapping project. The FC is the senior CARDI representative in the province.
* Lead and manage the Sarmi mapping project, ensuring timely and
quality program implementation, and monitor performance against timelines,
output and quality indicators within the approved budget, and fulfillment of
the grant and partnership agreements.
* Design and provide structured and consistent coaching and
mentoring to seconded partner staff members, particularly the Deputy Project
Manager, based on a skills audit and coaching/capacity development plan.
Plan for training and coaching inputs from senior HQ staff and external
providers as necessary.
* Work with the Director of Program (DoP) and Deputy Director of
Programs (DDP) to strengthen program quality and implement monitoring and
evaluation systems with the necessary feedback loops.
* Undertake regular site visits in support of quality monitoring and
evaluating and ensure that collected data is analyzed and submitted in a
timely fashion.
* Work closely with the DDP and DoP to overcome problems or delays
related to implementation of the project.
* Supervise, orient, and lead all CARDI staff in the field site.
Ensure compliance with CARDI's procurement, financial and personnel policies
and manage the performance evaluation system in the field site. Recruit
field staff, as necessary, in accordance with CARDI policies.
* Ensure the safest possible operating environment for all CARDI
staff and assets. Maintain and update the Security Protocol and Evacuation
Plan, ensure security procedures are followed, and that a neutral stance is
maintained by all CARDI staff.
* Represent CARDI in the field site and maintain and cultivate
relationships with government authorities, community partners, NGOs, and
in-field donors.
* Provide regular programmatic and operational planning and
reporting to CARDI HQ, in accordance with CARDI procedures.
* Contribute to the development of CARDI programming in the
province, in line with CARDI's strategy.
* Facilitate visits from CARDI HQ staff, CARDI consortium members,
donors and others.
* Other duties, as requested.
Job Requirements/ Experience Required:
* University degree.
* Minimum 4 years experience with community development programming,
preferably with INGOs or other international organizations.
* Minimum 3 years experience in a managerial position.
* Organized and detail-oriented, with strong multi-tasking skills.
* Ability to think strategically and plan effectively.
* Excellent communication skills, both oral and written. Strong level
of English proficiency required.
* Experience with organizational capacity development (for example
financial systems, personnel, logistics/administr ation, program cycle
management, resource development, grant management).
* Experience planning, facilitating, and evaluating multi-day
* Strong organizational and public leadership skills.
* Knowledge of issues related to land and resource rights and legal
frameworks, natural resource management, poverty and development, and
indigenous communities preferred.
* Strongly committed to participatory methods and community-driven
* Familiarity with conflict and gender analysis would be an advantage.
* Familiarity with participatory community mapping processes would be
an advantage.
* Work experience with indigenous communities would be an advantage.
* Willingness to live and work in a remote location.
2. GIS/Cartography Officer (Code : GCO - PUA)
Scope of Work:
The GIS/Cartography Officer (GCO) is responsible for designing a training
program/-workshop for introduction to participatory sketch mapping. (S)he
also plays an important role following the workshops to assist the community
to record/plot important landmarks and sites of cultural/historical value
land-use as well as proposed boundaries of the area claimed by the community
on their sketch maps and transfers these onto existing digital maps. These
digital maps should then be compared with each other and with existing
land-use maps at, for example, the Provincial and Regency Forestry Offices,
to provide feedback to the Community Mobilization Officers to assist with
negotiations between stakeholders. (S)he seeks the involvement of and
collaborates with government cartographers.
* Serve as the project's primary designer of community mapping
* Assist the project to procure appropriate base maps and a GIS
program, as well as materials for community map-making kits.
* Assist the Community Mobilizing Officers (CMO) with disseminating
the activities that are part of the mapping workshops at village level.
* Assist the CMO to help communities in producing sketch maps of the
areas around their villages indicating boundaries, land use as well as
important landmarks and man-made sites of cultural/historical value.
* Ensure that by using GPS readings, boundaries, landmarks etc can
be transferred to existing digital maps.
* Design a database that contains all important mapping details and
coordinates using consistent terminology throughout the project.
* Design a geographic information system that can contain the data
collected by the project, allow for analysis of the data and presenting
these in a visual and/or geographically referenced way.
* Design and arrange for printing of working maps throughout the
project, as well as final map printing.
* Liaise with the Regency and Provincial Forestry and BAPPEDA
Offices for mapping and land use data.
Job Requirements/ Experience Required:
* University degree in a related field (e.g. forestry, geography) and
2 years of directly related work experience.
* Minimum 2 years experience in mapping land-use or forest cover,
developing GIS for land use or forest cover data.
* Experience with producing hand-drawing sketch maps and digitizing
* Experience with participatory mapping methodology in Indonesia and
community development.
* Experience organizing and facilitating workshops and community-based
* Knowledge of issues related to land and resource rights and legal
frameworks, natural resource management, poverty and development, and
indigenous communities preferred.
* Strong cross-cultural/ cultural competence skills necessary,
including strong communication skills.
* Documentation and report writing skills.
* Work experience with indigenous communities, familiarity with the
project area (Sarmi) and/or knowledge of the local language spoken in the
project area would be an additional advantage
* Willingness to live and work in a remote location and spend
significant time, including overnight visits, in the field.
* Ability to work independently for periods of time, as well as
collaboratively with a team.
Application should include a detailed CV and cover letter to be submitted by
e-mail to recruitment@ cardi.or. id at the latest Tuesday, February 12th 2008.
Please put the code of position applied in the subject of your e-mail. No
phone calls contact. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Kamis, 07 Februari 2008
CARDI Vacancies
Posted by
Category Vacancy in Papua