The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization¢s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit
The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh (main), Calang, Lamno, Sabang and Pulo Aceh. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta, and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross. The Indonesia TRP program has a budget of over $200m. It commenced in May 2005 and will be completed by June 2010.
PSP M&E based Banda Aceh ( 1 position )
Responsibilities :
Upgrade existing program monitoring and reporting system including needed tools, timely revision of same if any need; Train PMI and ARC teams to use new monitoring and reporting tools; Collate all program reports from ARC team and PMI;Produce monthly and quarterly reports on program progress based on available templates; Maintain qualitative and quantitative indicators of program based on the PSP log frame; Regular program monitoring field visits inline with monthly plans, document and share the findings and any recommendation of improvements with relative team members.
Qualification :
Bachelor or Master degree in Psychology, with experience in community based psychosocial support programs; Previous documented experience in developing M & E mechanism for projects; Strong Analytical and research skill; Proficiency in English (written and spoken
Community Coordinator based Banda Aceh ( 1 position )
To lead, supervise, support and assist public health promoters as they create and conduct community sessions on hygiene promotion through various programs such as child activities, youth competitions, PHAST, etc; To monitor community disputes, and act as village liaison together with Canadian Red Cross as needed by the engineering team; To create village maintain workers training together with engineers; To create and supervise trainings on community members on sanitation systems purpose care and maintenance; To monitor community knowledge, attitudes and practices; To coordinate with Red Cross and other partners; To collect, assess, use and improve existing IEC materials from IFRC
Qualification :
In good mental and physical health; Basic health or hygiene educational background; Red cross/Red Crescent knowledge of policy and procedure , organization and activities; self supporting in computers; Hard working innovative and able to motivate community members to improve hygiene practices; Interpersonal skills in interacting with diverse groups of people; Creative idea or experience with media campaigns a bonus; willing to work flexible hours, including weekends and evening so that we can reach communities when they are most available; Teamwork, commitment to the IFRC movement; Integrity and personal conduct; sensitivity to diversity; Initiative and direction.
Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after March, 4 2008 will not be considered. Applicants with RC/RC (PMI, Federation and PNSs) working experiences will be prioritized.
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
vacancies in American Red Cross Banda Aceh-URGENT
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Category Vacancy in Aceh