*(Ref code: PHPC-ARC)*
The American Red Cross funded FAO project (OSRO/INS/601/ ARC) supports
sustainable recovery and development of fisheries and aquaculture in the
Indonesian province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Through capacity
building, both at government and community levels, and the introduction of
best practices the project aims to encourage:
§ improved coordination and planning;
§ sustainable fisheries management practices
§ sustainable aquaculture
§ responsible fish utilization.
Improving the way in which fish is handled and marketed and achieving a high
and consistent standard of fish quality is often a result of buyer pressure
and demand, combined with the implementation of appropriate supporting
legislation. This project is focused on improving the awareness of consumers
as well as fishermen, traders and processors in how to assess and maintain
fish quality and is designed to encourage the future demand and supply of
quality fish.
Based in Banda Aceh, and under the guidance and direct technical supervision
of the FAO-ARC International Post Harvest Consultant and in close
cooperation with the National Coordinator and National Senior Post
Harvest/Marketing Specialist, and DKP Province staff, the Project
Coordinator will :
· Design and implement a baseline assessment of consumer and
stakeholder perceptions of quality and fish handling;
· Develop a strategy with DKP and key stakeholders to raise consumer
and stakeholder awareness of fish quality
· Facilitate the development of media, materials and messages (TV,
newspaper, radio, billboard, poster, leaflet) and other requirements of the
· Assist in the implementation of the strategy
· Assess impact of the project
· Produce a final report that identifies the lessons learnt and
makes recommendations for further dissemination
· Maintain close communication with the International and National
Post-Harvest Project team and provide reports as agreed
*Qualification: *
The Project Coordinator will be a Bachelor`s degree holder in a food related
discipline with good experience in project management. He or she must have a
good understanding of practical approaches to improving fish quality,
processing and marketing and strategies to encourage change in knowledge,
skills and attitude of producers and consumers. Experience of implementing
advertising and media campaigns would be desirable. Experience in writing
technical reports, the ability to work on your own initiative, communicate
clearly and concisely, maintain effective working relationships with people
of different national and cultural backgrounds, and the ability to work to
deadlines are also important requirements. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and
Achenese is required and English language skills are desirable. Computer
literacy in MS Office is also required.
* *
*Duration of the assignment*: Work to start in April 2009 for minimum of 9
*Duty station*: The location of the work is Banda Aceh
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Interested candidates should submit a CV and cover letter clearly stating
their relevant skills, experience, vacancy and REFERENCE CODE by e-mail:
*E-mail to: **stalfa_10@ yahoo.com*
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
*Sincerely yours,*
* *
*Rezky Syahrezal*
*Communication, Reporting and Info Management Assistant *
*Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations*
Banda Aceh Coordination Office
Jl. Angsa # 19, Ateuk Deah Tanoh
Banda Aceh, 23244
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Indonesia
mailto: rezky.syahrezal@ gmail.com
tel : +62 651 742 8576
fax : +62 651 635 636
http://www.fao. org/reliefoperat ions
http://www.fao. org/tsunami/
Rabu, 25 Maret 2009
FAO Banda Aceh Open Vacancy Announcement: ADMINSTRATIVE CLERK (Ref Code: ADM-JKT)
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Category Vacancy in Aceh