Work Area: South Aceh
Closing Date: 25 April 2009
Start to work: July 2009
Contract Duration: 1 year
Position: DRR Officer
Reports to: Community Project Coordinator
Works with:
Other Community Officers, Community Information- Advocacy Officer, local
networks and partners as and when necessary and requested by the
Project Coordinator.
Organization: Jesuit Refugee Service Indonesia
Duty Station: Tapaktuan
Position Purpose:
Under the coordination of Community Coordinator, the DRR Officer works
closely with the other team members of Community Project. S/he
implements, monitors and evaluates the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
activities to strengthen the capacity and increase the ability of the
assisted communities to prevent any potential disaster threats and
risks through strengthened organizational skills and an understanding
on displacement prevention mechanisms along with the spirit of JRS
which s/he learns in her/his daily service.
The DRR Officer is responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring
the activities, workshops, capacity building on DRR; learning and
performing the local wisdom on the existing DRR mechanisms either
conflict or natural disaster; encouraging young and vulnerable people
to participate in conducting the DRR mechanisms to prevent any
potential displacement.
Qualifications & Experience:
o BA degree, preferably in anthropology, geology, environment, psychology, social
or political science, development studies, human rights, communication or
other related to the job.
o Experience and skills as facilitator, moderator and motivator in community
analysis of threat (natural disaster and conflict) using Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods.
o Competency and skills in DRR (Emergency Preparedness, used to PRA tools) with a
minimum understanding on Conflict Management issues.
o Ability on community organizing.
o Knowledge, understanding and empathy with IDPs and refugees in all settings.
o Have fair English and Indonesian skills in listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Acehnese, Aneuk Jamee, and or Kluet language competency is a
o Good flexibility, creative and high motivated.
o Ability to work in a team work
o Knowledge of basic Microsoft programs a must.
o Indonesian nationality. Acehnese is preferable.
o Willing to work under pressure and high frequency of mobility.
Background Organization and Programme:
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international non-governmental
organization with a mission to accompany, serve, and advocate the
rights of refugees and forcibly displaced people. JRS undertakes
services at national and regional levels with the support of an
international office in Rome. Founded in November 1980 as a work of the
Society of Jesus, JRS programs are found in over 50 countries,
providing assistance to refugees in refugee camps, to people displaced
within their own country, and to asylum-seekers in cities and held in
detention. The main areas of work are in the fields of Education,
Advocacy, Emergency Assistance, Pastoral, Health and Nutrition, Income
Generating Activities and Social Services.
In Indonesia, JRS
works with internally displaced people (IDP) affected by conflict as
well as by the tsunami in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North
Sumatra Provinces. JRS works on the prevention mechanisms and looks at
the deeper reasons behind the phenomenon of forced migration and does
not limit its service to emergency relief, the policies concerning
their treatment while in exile, and what could be done to spare others
a similar fate.
In choosing and implementing programmes JRS
places an emphasis on the above knowledge in root causes, policy and
prevention and in all programmes aims to find and advocate for durable
solutions for refugees and IDPs. JRS gives direct services,
accompanying the displaced and assisting them to advocate for their
To apply for this job, send or email your application form of JRS as soon as possible to:
Lino M Sanjoyo : <
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Selasa, 07 April 2009
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Category Vacancy in Aceh